A table setting out the movements in shareholders’ funds during the year to 31 December 2013 is set out below.

Shareholders’ funds have, net of a share buyback of £45 million (NZ$91 million), increased during the year by £10 million (NZ$20 million) to £444 million (NZ$896 million):

Movements in shareholders’ funds   Year ended 31 December 2013   Year ended 31 December 2012
    £m £m   £m £m
Opening shareholders’ funds     434      602 
Shareholders’ returns            
— Share buy-backs     (45)     (25)
Profit/(Loss) for the period     23      (29)
— Gain realised in the period (recycled through the Income statement)   (16)     (40)  
— Net unrealised movements on AFS investments       (13)  
— Reclassification  
— Deferred tax movement        
      (14)     (49)
IAS19 adjustments            
— GPG schemes   22      (12)  
— Coats   85      (2)  
      107      (14)
Foreign currency movements            
— Coats net losses   (12)     (4)  
— Other group net losses arising in the year   (24)     (8)  
— Total net losses arising in the year   (36)     (12)  
— Historical net gains recycled to the Income statement   (30)     (39)  
— Reclassification   (1)      
      (67)     (51)
Other, mainly hedging        
Total £ million     444      434 
Total NZ$ million (at 2.0175)     896      876 

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