Contact Details

Guinness Peat Group plc - UNITED KINGDOM
First Floor
Times Place
45 Pall Mall
London SW1Y 5GP

Telephone: 020 7484 3370
Fax: 020 7925 0700
Registered in England No. 103548

Guinness Peat Group plc - AUSTRALIA
c/o PKF Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers
Level 10
1 Margaret Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone: 02 9251 4100
Fax: 02 9240 9821

Guinness Peat Group plc - NEW ZEALAND
c/o Computershare Investor Services Limited
Private Bag 92119
Auckland 1020

Telephone: 09 488 8700
Fax: 09 488 8787



Registrar Details

The Company’s register of members is maintained in the UK with branch registers in Australia and New Zealand. Register enquiries may be addressed direct to the Company’s share registrars named below:

UK Main Register:

Computershare Investor Services PLC
PO Box 82
The Pavilions
Bridgwater Road
Bristol BS99 7NH

Tel: 0870 707 1022
Fax: 0870 703 6143

Australian Branch Register:

Registries Ltd
PO Box R67
Royal Exchange
Sydney NSW 1224

Tel: 02 9290 9600
Fax: 02 9279 0664

New Zealand Branch Register:

Computershare Investor Services Limited
Private Bag 92119
Auckland 1020

Tel: 09 488 8777
Fax: 09 488 8787